Colloquium Pediatric cancers National Assembly: a strong mobilization - 16 févr. 2022
The 5th "Growing Up Without Cancer & National Assembly" symposium dedicated to the fight against childhood cancers and serious illnesses, which took place on Wednesday February 16, 2022, once again mobilized dozens of deputies, associations, researchers, professionals (health, social workers, teachers) and families. Back to the highlights...
Pediatric cancer research
- Review of projects supported in 2021 with 5M€/year . The calls for projects created by INCa are innovative, new teams are supported, researchers have great ideas, but the budget slider was too low to support all the good projects. In addition, several actions remain to be started or reinforced, particularly in terms of research into the causes of pediatric cancers and prevention.
- Transpartisan vote on the amendment by MP Béatrice Descamps (UDI) allocating an additional €20 million for 2022 in favor of research into childhood cancers : a hope welcomed by all. The clear positions taken by Pierre Cabaré (LaREM) and Eric Diard (LR) during the debates, the amendments of a dozen other deputies and a common will enabled this victory. On the other hand, it is urgent that these means are effectively available and that we can - associations and elected officials - follow together the use of these 20 M€. Béatrice Descamps approached these realities in a unifying way.
- Pharmaceutical manufacturers: unacceptable brakes . Dr. Christophe Grosset, Research Director at INSERM Bordeaux, spoke of the refusal of a major drug manufacturer to communicate any information relating to a treatment which demonstrates, in combination with a statin, its effectiveness in the laboratory in the fight against brainstem tumors.
The survival rate for this childhood-specific cancer is disastrous: less than 1% survival over 5 years. This refusal blocks the development of a clinical trial, while several oncologists are applicants. A common mobilization begins.
- Prevention of cancers & serious pediatric diseases : The complementary interventions of Dr André Cicolella (chemist, toxicologist and French researcher in environmental health) and of the deputy Laurianne Rossi (at the origin of actions to fight against endocrine disruptors) demonstrate the need both to use the available scientific data and to strengthen research to prevent, which is as important as treatment!
Reducing social inequalities for children & their families
The mission entrusted to MP Paul Christophe by Prime Minister Jean Castex to improve support for parents of seriously ill children or victims of an accident in life was discussed at length. The main issues raised by Growing Up Without Cancer, the summary of our surveys were addressed by Jessica Baba, Stéphane Vedrenne, Corinne Vedrenne and Dr Élise Quilent, members of the office of Growing Up Without Cancer. Their interventions, those of social workers, teachers and MP Paul Christophe, who presented his work, all go in the same direction. The deadlines for granting aid, the simplification of procedures, the protection of families could on several points be resolved before the presidential elections, with a common mobilization. The report will be submitted to the Prime Minister towards the end of February.