Sunday April 8 in Gemenos (13) - Enduro des Veilleurs de Vie - 08 avril 2018
We give you once again RV near Marseille for a sporting and united day!
For the 3rd year in a row, the Tribal Sport association is organizing its Life Watchers Enduro, for the benefit of Eva pour la vie and La Rire Médecin. Meet at Gemenos (13) near Marseille for a sporting, friendly and united day. In the program :
07h00 Collection of bibs for Enduro
08h00 Departure of the runners from the Park
9:30 a.m. Return of the Petites Foulées bibs (pedestrian event for children aged 3 to 11)
10:00 am Start of special 1 at the top
10 a.m. Entertainment for children and throughout the day (with refreshment bar, cakes and music)
drawing workshop with the association Clin d'oeil
clay modeling workshop with the help of Nathalie Plane from the ESC pottery workshop
sculpture workshop on salvaged objects
makeup workshop
local creators stand (sale price donated in full to associations)
large wooden games (Carole Machingoréna)
bike animation for the youngest
10:00 am Departure of the Petites Foulées
11:30 am Piloxing by Iza and Philou ( Edelweiss Forme ) - adult fitness
12.00 Seated meal (Provencal stew by Laurent) or sandwiches
11:30 am Start of special 2
12.00 Seated meal (Provencal stew by Laurent) or sandwiches
12:30 pm Rock music concert
1:00 p.m. Start of special 3
1:30 p.m. Arrival of the race in the Park
2:00 p.m. Runners' meal (Provençal stew)
4:00 p.m. Prize giving for the Enduro des Veilleurs de Vie and the raffle